
Particlization model (Cooper-Frye sampler) for relativistic heavy-ion collisions

Author:Jonah Bernhard
Language:Python / Cython
Source code:github:duke-qcd/frzout


  • 2D (boost-invariant) and 3D sampling
  • Resonance mass distributions
  • Shear and bulk viscous corrections
  • Fast: fraction of a second per sample

Quick start


pip install frzout

Basic usage:

import frzout

# create surface object from data arrays
surface = frzout.Surface(x, sigma, v, pi=pi, Pi=Pi)

# create hadron resonance gas object at T = 0.150 GeV
hrg = frzout.HRG(.150)

# sample particles
parts = frzout.sample(surface, hrg)


frzout is part of the Duke heavy-ion collision event generator. If your goal is to run complete events, you probably don’t need to use frzout directly.